Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Critique a work of art

I did not receive an e-mail telling me what work of art to critique so I searched online and picked one. I have chosen "Poppies" by Monet....

This is a beautiful painting of a woman and a young girl walking through a field of poppies. They are being followed at a distance by another woman and a girl. The two pairs seem to be going somewhere important (dressed in their "Sunday Best" umbrellas and all.) Behind them you see a tree line and a large house tucked into the trees. The sky is bright and cloudy.

The use of red poppies against a contrasting field of various shades of greens is very effective. The poppies are drawing your eyes from the focal point (the woman and girl in front), up the hill to where the other woman and girl are following. Your eyes are then drawn across the tree line to the house and upward to the sky.

These women and possibly their daughters are coming from the house tucked in the trees. They are dressed up (maybe it's Sunday) and they are going to a picnic. It seems to be a warm day (despite their attire) hence the umbrella for shade from the shining sun.

I really like this work of art. The colors and movement help to make this work of art both pleasing to the eye and flow over the piece. I like the idea of a mother-daughter outing and the bright cheerful scene makes you wish you were going with them. (And wonder where they're going) In my opinion this is a very successful work of art.

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